December 23, 2014

Update from Reef Check Egypt

Reef Check Egypt EcoDiver Course Director Dr. Mohammed M. A. Kotb sends in these photos and a report on his training in November:

I organized a one-week training workshop in Marsa Alam, along the southern Egyptian Red Sea coast. The workshop aimed to give a comprehensive training on the basics of underwater survey techniques and the Reef Check method was one of these techniques. Participants were researchers from Red Sea Protectorates, Port Saied University, Suez Canal University, National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Science, and Volunteers from Diving community. The workshop gathered 15 participants and was co-funded by the Nature Conservancy, IUCN, Reef Resilience Network, Red Sea Protectorates, Marine Science Dept. of Ismailia Suez Canal University, EPEA, Diving Station Reef Villa and Sea Secrets Divers.

Dr. Kotb is also a long-time coordinator of Reef Check Egypt and a Professor of Coral Reef Ecology at Suez Canal University in Ismailia, Egypt. For more information, he can be contacted at