January 1, 2005

December 2004 Indonesia Earthquake and Tsunami Resource Page

Dec. 2004 Indo Tsunami and Quake in the News (click)

RC Finds Indo Quake/Tsunami Reef Damage Near Sumatra [pdf]

Rapid Assessment of Status of Corals in Gulf of Mannar After Dec. 2004 Tsunami [pdf]

Guidelines for Rapid Assessment and Monitoring of Tsunami Damage to Coral Reefs

Below are the final version (Version 1 – January 2005) of the “Guidelines for Rapid Assessment and Monitoring of Tsunami Damage to Coral Reefs”, which were prepared by the team of experts from GCRMN, CORDIO, IUCN, Reefbase, ReefCheck, ICRAN working under the umbrella of the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) and the International Society for Reef Studies (ISRS).

These final guidelines replace the previous versions posted on this web site on 17 January and 31 January 2005. They consist of:

1) the Guidelines in pdf format (1 Mb)
2) Data Sheets in EXCEL format (80 Kb) Note that this file comprises 4 individual sheets entitled ‘Site’, ‘Data-Simple’, Data-Detailed’ and ‘Variables’.

Please ensure to communicate these final products to those who are doing rapid assessments of coral reefs in the field.

For further information, please visit UNEP’s World Conservation Monitoring Web site.