Submitted by Reef Check Malaysia
It has been a most eventful year for Reef Check Malaysia, and the past three months have been no exception. We are most grateful for the support we have received throughout the year and humbled by the recognition we have received too.
In October, we had our first physical Annual Event for the first time since the pandemic. We had the opportunity to meet our funders, supporters and volunteers in person. It was a night to thank them, give an update on our programs and discuss plans for the future.
We run a waste management program and have a recycling center on Mantanani Island, Sabah. The Mantanani Plastic Recycling Centre (MPRC) is where the waste collected is sorted before being sent off the island to either the landfill or a recycling center on the mainland.
Aligning with our goal to make it sustainable, we embarked on a solar installation project for the MPRC. In August 2022, the solar system was installed. The solar system covers both Reef Check Malaysia’s building areas, i.e. the recycling center and the Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) processing factory.
However, more was needed to power all of the machines. It was only sufficient to power fans, light bulbs, field offices, and several machines in the VCO building. In November, the solar system was upgraded, and it can now also power the Baler machine and the extruder machine used for recycling.
This means that the MPRC is now fully solar-powered!
We are also pleased to have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Department of Fisheries Malaysia, representing the Government of Malaysia.
The strategic partnership between DOF and Reef Check Malaysia has been ongoing for several years and has been carried out through multiple program collaborations, particularly in Marine Parks.
The MOU is essential to enable Reef Check Malaysia to continue its work to support the conservation of marine ecosystems in Malaysia.
It is hoped that the partnership will benefit all stakeholders involved and ensure a sustainable marine ecosystem.